
Date Saturday October 22nd 2022

Awards Show Voting Format

The Voters


The community will count as 60% of the total vote for any category we have listed.

The Committee


Our 16 person Committee will have a 40% share of votes. 

A Bit of History

There is a large amount of us that started streaming in March-April 2020 because of COVID-19. Fast forward over a year later and many of us have made a large amount of new streamer friends. This awards show is to highlight the incredibly talented Small Streaming Community!

It was founded in October 2020 by the 2eraz Community with the first show happening in November of 2020. This award show has had over 70 different award winners and fully expect to reach the triple digits this year.


This awards show is dedicated to all the first responders, active duty military and essential workers that have worked non-stop since the virus began. You are loved and we appreciate you all.

This show is also dedicated to all the lurkers, viewers, moderators, supporters and streamers that put in countless amounts of time to make a difference in someone’s life. Regardless of what category you fall into, you are appreciated! 

Special Thanks

This is a special thanks to anyone reading this! You are amazing!!!!